fredag den 23. oktober 2015

RD is down.

We expect it to be up again shortly.

14 kommentarer:

Pede sagde ...

Yup, just emailed you that is seemed to have crashed. Hope nothing serious, and we'll be together soon.

KyleMatthieu sagde ...

Tak Thomas! Tak Maria!

KyleMatthieu sagde ...

If you need MONNAIE to upgrade the system, just let us all know!!!

Anonym sagde ...

Hoppas att allt går bra Maria och Tomas! Inte roligt på en helg så här, men vi är allla tacksamma!
Cecilia, Sverige

Anonym sagde ...

Thank you Thomas and Maria ! See you back soon.


Pede sagde ...

is the system down again? I can log in, but cannot pull up our treads :(

KyleMatthieu sagde ...

Hmmmm, looks as though Trine and the Suits have struck in the wake of the defamation article!!!

Anonym sagde ...

It's not working again, the front page just says database error :( hope you get the site back working again!

Anonym sagde ...

Are we down for a bit?


Pede sagde ...

Hey there, Thomas & Maria, I think we are down again. Hope to see you guys soon!

Anonym sagde ...

It seems we're down again :(

Anonym sagde ...

May I ask for your help please? I receive a page that says my account has been suspended? I have never received any concerns or warnings and wanted to see if you could help?

Thank you,

Sherry Olsen

Anonym sagde ...

I am locked out too - I think its a website issue not an account issue


Princess Ceci sagde ...

Hello!! What happened with RD??A message show saying the account is suspended