lørdag den 7. maj 2011

We are moving to a new server and a new host

That means updating DNS servers. Expect weird behavior for up to 24 hours.

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Can't login

Thomas sagde ...

Give it time.

Diogenes sagde ...

Thank you, Thomas, for the info. It's always appreciated. Fingers crossed that all will go smoothly!

thrilla sagde ...

Just got a server down in the middle of my dishing :-( Hope it's back up soon, now that I finally have a good chunk of time to sit and dish.

Pede sagde ...

Is the server down again? I could log it, and just as I finished my post - server went down.

Now it doesn't connect at all.

Ohhhh, tell me it's not true.....